Deep in the woods of rural Wisconsin, an extraordinary summer is about to unfold...
The lives of eleven-year-old best friends Jacob and Lisa take a surprise turn after making an unexpected discovery. One night, after a mysterious encounter near his barn, Jacob is certain something unusual lurks in his family's woods - something that will challenge everything he thought he knew about his world.
When a devastating tornado brings their families together under one roof, Jacob and Lisa, along with their new friend Jimmy, stumble upon an ancient secret hidden within the forest. What they discover will change their lives forever, drawing them into a world where nothing is quite what it seems.
As strange men in dark suits begin appearing in their small town asking questions, the children must protect an extraordinary secret while grappling with their new role as guardians of something far bigger than themselves.
Discover the magic that happens when ordinary kids uncover extraordinary truths about their world - and what might exist beyond it.