Matt Bille

Matt Bille is a long time author and novelist. He is also a naturalist, historian, and science writer.
As a former Air Force officer, he is the author of over 20 technical publications and articles on space and zoology-related topics.
He is the lead author of the NASA-published history The First Space Race: Launching the World’s First Satellites (2004), a groundbreaking account of the early Space Age. He wrote two books on the world’s rarest and least-known animals, Rumors of Existence (1995) and Shadows of Existence (2006), and is working on his third, tentatively titled Seas, Sharks, and Serpents. His first two novels, The Dolmen and Raven’s Quest, garnered excellent reviews.
He has been a freelance contributor to reference books, including Grzimek’s Animal Life Encyclopedia and the Nature Yearbook of Science & Technology.