M.C. Peak

M.C. Peak

I’ve been an avid outdoorsman most of my life.  I spent many years hiking and camping in the Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia before moving to North Idaho, where I continued to pursue my love of the outdoors.   The wildlife was bigger and more dangerous, but also more majestic, and I thoroughly enjoyed the moose that overwintered on our property.  The many  Bigfoot sightings in that area, the ongoing Bigfoot research that went on, and the many Native American historical accounts of sightings as well as some personal experiences are what inspired me to write the book; “Hoo Doo.”  I have since retired and moved to the Upper Peninsula of Michigan to be closer to family, but I continue to enjoy the great outdoors in a town aptly named, Paradise.  I also continue to write.  Who would have thought there would be a high Bigfoot presence here, in the U.P.  My interest in the Native American understanding of nature and our place in it inspired another book about a little known cryptid in and around Lake Superior that will, hopefully, be coming soon.




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