Tiffany S. Doran resides in the picturesque mountains of Virginia with her family. She has been happily married for over two decades, and together with her husband, they have three daughters and four grandsons. Tiffany embarked on her writing journey...
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Brian, a native of Northwestern Georgia, has been captivated by the mysteries beyond our understanding since childhood. Enthralled by tales of hairy creatures in the mountains near his home, a personal encounter as a child ignited his deep fascination with...
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Carl P. Marshall is a distinguished cryptozoologist with an extensive professional background in entomology. He has undertaken numerous expeditions to remote corners of the world in search of elusive animals and cryptids. His expertise has been featured on a variety...
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Kevin LeStarge grew up in Wisconsin and has always had a fascination with Sasquatch, which has led him to go on many expeditions across the country seeking the great mystery. Kevin shares life lessons he’s learned through friendship, exploration, the...
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Gareth Patterson is an award-winning environmentalist, wildlife researcher, public speaker, and author who is known internationally for his efforts to greater protect the lions and elephants of Africa. Born in England, he grew up in wild areas of western, eastern,...
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