Squatchermetrics Images and Data

The above chart demonstrates the reported heights of Sasquatches based on the Bergman’s Rule theory that species further away from the equator and in colder climates are larger to adapt to their environment. Notice the increased number of 8ft and 9ft visual Sasquatch reports between 45 and 70 degrees latitude.

Clusters of Reports from 2017 to 2021

Here shows clusters of reports from 2017 through 2021.

About Squatchermetrics

Squatchermetrics analyses documented historical reports and provides commonalities and differences based on the data points.

North American Bigfoot Reports

Total number of reports - 7,616

  • Date range - 1811-2022
  • Most recent report – Jan 2022, Humboldt County, CA

Visual reports - 4,137

  • Date range - 1869-2021
  • Most recent visual reports – December 2021, Lewis County WA and Surry County VA

Vocalization reports - 2,026

  • Most common States (in order) are WA, CA, TX, OH and PA.

Object throwing - 380

  • Most common States (in order) WA, KY, MI, VA and OH

Multi-person - 3,844

Reports where children were present - 172 (children playing' which is the closest I can get)

Road crossings - 1,160

  • Most common states - WA, TX, FL, PA and OH leading the way.

Who reported: hunters, hikers, home owners, law enforcement, forestry, bigfoot researchers, etc.

  • In order it's Driving, At Home, Hiking, Hunting, Camping, Other and Fishing. 

Near homes - 1,300

  • WA, OH, PA, TX, MI and VA in that order.

By season in order - Summer > Fall > Spring > Winter

Reports by month in order - August > October > July > September > June > November > May > April > January > December > February

D. Perez, R. Dahinden, August 31, 1980

Handprints on Glass in Florida

Nutella Trap

Panel Discussion at Salt Fork


John Green

Tim and Loren