Episode 37 – Mike Heston Rogers – Involved in the Famous Travis Walton UFO Incident

Mike Heston Rogers was born in Snowflake, Arizona, on 4-4-1947, the year the UFO era began. Mike said he had an absolutely ideal childhood. His grandfather Rogers had a large farm and his grandfather Howard had a sizeable ranch, both on the West side of town. Mike graduated from Snowflake Union High and then started working in the nearby forest. 3 years later, he started college, but then regretfully got married. After 12 years and 6 kids and then divorcing, Mike finally went back to college off and on for many years. On Nov. 5th, 1975, he and 5 others, witnessed an object that apparently snatched Travis Walton away. In 1993 "Fire in the Sky" was made.
In 2019 Mike hosted a radio show for KGRA radio. All the rest in-between would take several volumes to tell. Mike also researches and is writing a book on "Natural Illusions." His amazing experiences will be shared on Untold Radio AM in this episode.