Episode 25 – Shelly Covington Montana and Michael Waldie – Citizen Science and Bigfoot

Shelly Covington Montana is a native Texan, known as a wilderness and wildlife enthusiast and a Bigfoot researcher with a passion for conservation and preservation. Shelly's search for the truth was fueled by her husband's unexplained encounter in the winter of 1982 in the forest of east Texas. She has commented on continually improving her education through Citizen Science. She promotes that you should continuously push yourself to learn in the field of Wildlife Behavior and conservation. It can only increase your ability to bring forth concrete evidence. It's crucial to separate factual research from emotionally biased research. "Facts are truth, and I am hopeful with proper Wildlife DNA collection and analysis, it could be a benefit and a standard in the search of the enigma we call Bigfoot." She is a Level II certified Wildlife Tracker. She is in constant works on her Citizen Science Wildlife DNA kits. As of late, she created the Sasquatch Alba Vernix DNA collection and Latent Print kit that are available on her website.
Michael Waldie was born and raised in the Great State of Texas. He has been an avid hunter and fisherman most of his life and now a very active Bigfoot researcher. Having spent so many years in the woods, he never thought that he would be using his experience to search for an unknown creature one day. Michael has unexplained events that were finally answered in 2004. That's when a sighting map of the TBRC (Texas Bigfoot Research Center) put Bigfoot in his vocabulary as this could be real. Michael is a co-founder of the group Texas Bigfoot Rangers. Michael's passion for this research is only matched by his love for the technology used in the field. Michael has created many different combinations of gear in his quest to find this creature. Michael's avid interest in using technology to further this research and his ability to think outside the box make him a breath of fresh air to the research community and an asset to all who have had a chance to research with him.