Episode 1 – David Paulides – Missing 411 Series and The Hunted Documentary

Listen to an in-depth interview with David Paulides, author of the Missing 411 book series, and producer of the Hunted.
Dave Paulides received his undergraduate and graduate degrees from the University of San Francisco, and, has a professional background that includes twenty years in law enforcement and senior executive positions in the technology sector. In 2004 he formed North America Bigfoot Search-NABS (www.nabigfootsearch.com) where his investigative and analytical experience were invaluable in researching Bigfoot/Sasquatch sightings, encounters and behavior.
He spent two years living among the Hoopa tribal members, listening to and recording their Bigfoot stories. The Hoopa Project is his first book, based upon his experiences in the Bluff Creek area of Northern California. David's second book, Tribal Bigfoot is a quantum step forward in Bigfoot research and allows for a common sense understanding of this elusive biped. These two books have been called the new standard for crypto research. NABS was also the group that started the Bigfoot DNA project which was instrumental in the identification of bigfoot/sasquatch as its own species.
In 2011 a tip from National Park Rangers about missing people started research into the topic and the eventual formation of the Can Am Missing Project. This information eventually led to David authoring the Missing 411 nine book series.
Mr. Paulides was an invited speaker at the 2012 National Association of Search and Rescue (NASAR) annual conference in South Lake Tahoe. The presentation was on the findings of the Can Am Project that were detailed in "Missing 411." The packed room at the Harvey's Convention Center heard Mr. Paulides give a detailed overview of the geographical clusters of missing people and the associated elements found within the clusters. This 6+ year 12000 hour investigation into unexplained disappearances in isolated locations is research that anyone who walks in the woods should read.
In 2017, the Missing 411 series made their first documentary titled, “Missing 411.” The documentary stars Survivorman Les Stroud and chronicles the disappearance of young children from National Parks and forests. The success of this first documentary was followed in 2019 with, Missing 411- The Hunted, the story of a series of hunters that vanished without under highly unusual circumstances. This latest documentary has recorded over 100 million minutes viewed on Amazon Prime.
Since the release of the "Missing 411" series, Mr. Paulides has been a guest on countless radio shows, morning television and prime time news. The 411 series has been vetted by some of the finest Search and Rescue professionals, investigative journalists, radio and television hosts and print journalists from North America. The presentation of the materials in Missing 411 have been presented worldwide. You can follow current missing cases and the investigations by David and his team at www.canammissing.com
The Hoopa Project - 2008
Tribal Bigfoot - 2009
Missing 411 - Western U.S.- 2012
Missing 411 - Eastern U.S. 2012
Missing 411 - North America and Beyond, 2013
Missing 411 - The Devil’s in the Detail, 2014
Missing 411 - A Sobering Coincidence 2015
Missing 411 - Hunters 2016
Missing 411 - Off the Grid 2017
Missing 411 - LAW 2018
Missing 411 - Canada 2019
Missing 411 - The Movie, 2017, staring Survivorman Les Stroud
**Available on Amazon Prime
Missing 411- The Hunted, 2019, documentary, 100 million minutes viewed!! Available on Amazon Prime