Brian King-Sharp

Brian King-Sharp
Brian, a native of Northwestern Georgia, has been captivated by the mysteries beyond our understanding since childhood. Enthralled by tales of hairy creatures in the mountains near his home, a personal encounter as a child ignited his deep fascination with Sasquatch, propelling him into a world of endless exploration.

After a sixteen-year career in law enforcement, Brian turned his passion into a hobby by starting a podcast. Unexpectedly, this hobby evolved into something much greater. By 2022, his "Sasquatch Odyssey" podcast had become one of the most popular shows in the realm of Sasquatch encounters, captivating a diverse audience. Brian has conducted hundreds of interviews with eyewitnesses and undertaken field research on his expansive forty-acre property in North Carolina, as well as in Tennessee and British Columbia, Canada—all in pursuit of answers to the Sasquatch mystery.

Brian's success and his knack for captivating storytelling have earned him recognition beyond the podcasting world. He has been a guest on numerous podcasts and featured on television shows aired on the Vice Network and Tubi. As a skilled public speaker and host, he has graced the stages of Sasquatch conferences and festivals across the United States and around the world.

Not content with a single venture, Brian is also the founder and CEO of Paranormal World Productions, LLC. In addition to "Sasquatch Odyssey," he hosts other intriguing podcasts such as "True Crime Odyssey," "Backwoods Horror Stories," "Weird Encounters," and "That Bigfoot Podcast," showcasing his diverse talents and unwavering commitment to exploring the uncharted territories of the paranormal world.

Sasquatch Unleashed: The Truth Behind the Legend


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